You’re going to want a “back button,” so you can navigate in this QuickGuide in much the same way that you do in your browser.
Here’s how to get such a button in Acrobat/Reader (works with both Acrobat Pro and Adobe Reader):
Acrobat/Reader has this navigation facility built-in, but it’s not necessarily easy to find.
The command you want to use is “View|Page Navigation|Previous View” (or “|Next View,” if you’ve already jumped backward using this tool).
It’s more convenient to have the “buttons” for this two-way command attached to your toolbar. To put these buttons on your Acrobat toolbar, do the following:
1. Right-click in the toolbar and select Page Navigation.
You’ll get a dropdown that offers all the page navigation tools.
2. Click to check the tool(s) you want.
They’ll show up in your toolbar for all docs that you view with Acrobat/Reader.