22 CFR 228 revision history pre-2012

As indicated on About 22 CFR 228, the information on this page is just for the most avid students of the history of 22 CFR 228. Nobody else should ever care.

REVISION HISTORY - 1997 to 2012 (most recent on top)

10MAY2021 – 86 FR 24708 et seq.
Adds § __.215, paragraph (h)reverts to pre-COVID19 TFR (expired) text, revising §§. __.01, __.11, and __.30.

16DEC2020 – 85 FR 81390 et seq.
restores terms inadvertently deleted by 23OCT2020 publication, revising § __.01

23OCT2020 – 85 FR 67443 et seq.
temporary final rule (TFR) waiving certain restrictions in response to COVID-19 emergency response, revising §§ __.01, __.11, and __.30

10JAN2012 – 77 FR 1396 et seq.
complete revision to simplify implementation of the statutory requirement

06MAY2003 – 68 FR 23891 et seq.
removes certain countries from the policy restricted list, revising §§ __.03(b) and __.03(d)

31DEC1998 – 63 FR 72181 et seq.
drops certain vehicle manufacture restrictions, revising sec. __.13

20JUL1998 – 63 FR 38751 et seq.
revises rules on system determinations and ocean shipment, §§ __.11, __.21, __.51 and __.53

03JAN1997 – 62 FR 314
corrects errors in original publication (15OCT1996) at §§ __.11(b), __.13, __.14, __.22, __.37, and __.51

22OCT1996 – 61 FR 54849
corrects §§ __.03 and __.25

15OCT1996 – 61 FR 53615 et seq.
original publication of new regulation

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